Maynor & Mitchell Eye Center

Sand In Your Eye? Know What To Do

Mar 12, 2019 @ 12:41 AM — by dlee135
Tagged with: Vision Blog

Headed to the beach for spring break? Or maybe you're going camping or hiking in the woods, or even just some time at the local ball field or park. No matter what the activity, there's a good chance of getting some type of dirt or sand in your eyes. If that happens, be sure you know these steps from the American Ophthalmology Association for proper treatment.

Getting sand, dirt, dust or other small natural particles in your eye is usually not an emergency. Our eyes are very good at flushing out these kinds of particles with tears and blinking. Let your eyes try to take care of the particles naturally before doing anything else.

If you've gotten metal, glass or other man-made materials in your eye, that can be more serious. These kinds of objects can become embedded in the surface of the eye and cause ongoing irritation and more damage.