Diabetic Retinopathy

The effects of diabetes go beyond your blood sugar. They can also impact your vision, through a condition called diabetic retinopathy.

Instead of worrying — or ignoring the risks completely — you can look out for yourself with annual diabetic eye exams.

The eye doctors at Maynor & Mitchell commonly perform testing and treatment to save the vision of our Huntsville, AL, patients.

What Is Diabetic Retinopathy?

Eye scan showing blood vessels

Patients with any form of diabetes can develop a condition called diabetic retinopathy. It affects the blood vessels inside of your eyes in two main ways. First, it can keep new blood vessels in the retina from forming. Second, new blood vessels that do form will not work correctly. This can lead to leaking blood, scarring, and vision loss.

Because this condition is often asymptomatic when it begins, you can't just depend on noticing changes in your vision to catch the disease – by then, they may be permanent. Instead, those with type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, or gestational diabetes should schedule timely diabetic eye exams at Maynor & Mitchell.

Early Diabetic Retinopathy vs. Advanced Diabetic Retinopathy

Knowing what happens in the early and later stages of diabetic retinopathy can drive home the importance of regular vision exams. Both stages can lead to symptoms and problems, including sight loss, so you should never delay treatment. Here's what our Huntsville patients may experience during both.

Early Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy begins as a less severe (but still concerning) stage called nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy. It causes your retinal blood vessels to stop growing, and sometimes leak. This may also lead to a condition called macular edema. Since it's often asymptomatic, the best way to catch it early is through regular exams.

Advanced Diabetic Retinopathy

If your condition progresses, it can turn into something called advanced diabetic retinopathy, or proliferative diabetic retinopathy. In this stage, the eye makes abnormal new blood vessels to replace closed ones. The affected blood vessels may cause scarring or leak into a gel-like part of your eye known as the vitreous.

Diabetic Eye Exams Are Just Another Part of Diabetes Management

When you live with diabetes, you likely already attend regular doctor's appointments and keep a close eye on your overall health. It's important to think of seeing your eye doctor as a normal requirement of living with diabetes. Like checking your blood sugar, checking your vision has a crucial impact on your overall quality of life and wellness. 

We advise scheduling yearly diabetic eye exams for patients with the condition. Heeding this advice can save you from permanent vision loss.

What About Regular Vision Tests?


Have glasses or contact lenses? Think you see your vision shifting? Want to screen for other eye diseases? We've got you covered. Diabetic eye exams at Maynor & Mitchell are also paired with classic vision tests, so that you can see clearly and leave with complete peace of mind.

How Do Diabetic Eye Exams Help with Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic eye exams use methods like pupil dilation and fluorescein angiography dye tests to specifically look for problems caused by diabetes. They are a crucial tool for patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. If you have diabetic retinopathy, an exam with our team can:

Catch It Early

The sooner you catch nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, the less time it has to progress into proliferative diabetic retinopathy. This can mean better outcomes and simpler treatment.

Treat It Quickly

Once we diagnose your diabetic retinopathy, we may be able to treat it simply with diabetes management. More advanced cases of proliferative diabetic retinopathy may need injections or surgery.

Alleviate Symptoms and Complications

Though diabetic retinopathy tends to be asymptomatic when it starts, you may eventually notice symptoms like flashes or floaters. You could also struggle with complications like retinal detachment or macular edema.

Stop Vision Loss

Together, our ophthalmologists and optometrists can work with you to save your sight, preventing or minimizing the vision loss that can arise from diabetic retinopathy.

Don't Sit Back and Let Sight Loss Happen Take Charge of Your Vision

All versions of diabetic retinopathy require treatment — and sooner, rather than later. 

Protect your eyesight and give yourself peace of mind by attending diabetic eye exams if you have type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or even gestational diabetes. 

If you're ready to put your health first, the team at Maynor & Mitchell is here to help patients throughout Alabama. We offer diagnosis methods like dilated eye exams to pinpoint your condition and treatments such as anti-VEGF injections and laser surgery to protect your sight.

Though most patients visit our Huntsville optometry office, our practice has offices throughout the Tennessee Valley, including Florence, Scottsboro, and a dedicated retina center in Huntsville. Find the one closest to you and set the foundation for lifelong eye health.

Collage of office exterior and team

You can contact our Huntsville, AL, practice to begin or call our compassionate team at:
(256) 533-0315

Huntsville, AL, Eye Care Patients Trust in Our Doctors


Eleanor Walker

Huntsville, AL


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Dr. Salter and his staff are great! My 1st appointment with him was awesome. His staff and the surgery scheduler Ambera treated me like I was the only patient there. Dr. Salter answered all my concerns. I highly recommend this facility.

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Pam Wilkerson

Huntsville, AL


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My family and I have been going to Dr. Maynor & Mitchell for 20+ years and Dr. Maynor for at least 12 years after I had a little problem that required an ophthalmologist. I have never had a bad experience and always enjoy the staff in back. I would highly recommend!

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Managing Your Diabetes Is the Cornerstone of Treatment

Our trusted Alabama team will find the right treatment or combination of treatments for your unique case. However, each diabetic retinopathy patient will share a common strategy: managing their diabetes. That includes looking after your blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as your blood sugar.

What Treatments Do You Offer For Diabetic Retinopathy?

Our Alabama practice provides several ways to protect your vision and treat your diabetic retinopathy, such as:

Laser Treatments

Our team can stop leaking fluid in your eyes at the source with targeted retinal laser surgery. We offer several types of laser surgery, like panretinal photocoagulation, to decrease the size of poorly-formed blood vessels. It's possible that you may need more than one laser surgery session to help with your case.


More severe cases of diabetic retinopathy can require a vitrectomy to address bleeding within the eye. In this procedure, our Huntsville, AL, ophthalmologists take out the vitreous, the gel-like substance in the middle of the eye between your retina and lens. Then, they will put a clear solution in its place.

Anti-VEGF Injections

It's a common strategy to prevent abnormal blood vessels with a safe treatment called anti-VEGF (or vascular endothelial growth factor) injections. Rest assured, our caring ophthalmologists will keep you entirely comfortable throughout the process. 

Find the Care You Need From a Team Madison County Appreciates


larry erickson

Huntsville, AL


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I have been a patient at Maynor & Mitchell for many years, and all the folks there have been the most professional and friendly I have ever experienced in any medical facility. They are all among the very best.

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tonda neal

Huntsville, AL


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The doctors and staff are very friendly. The after hours answered my questions quickly and put my mind at ease

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Maynor & Mitchell Eye Center

Maynor & Mitchell Eye Center

Maynor & Mitchell Eye Center is a full-service eye center conveniently located in Huntsville. From routine eye care to specialty procedures for rare eye conditions, our dedicated and highly trained staff can keep your eyes healthy for a lifetime. Our doctors are affiliated with organizations such as the:

  • American Academy of Ophthalmology
  • American Board of Eye Surgeons
  • American College of Eye Surgeons
  • American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons
  • International Society of Refractive Surgery

To protect and preserve your vision, we invite you to fill out our consultation form or call our office at (256) 533-0315.

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